Tea Tree Oil Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are usually flesh - tinted and differ in size. They can be removed wishing the tea tree oil skin tag remedy. These odd expansions of excess skin emerge most normally on the neck, under arms, eyelids and inner thighs. Skin tags appear genetically as well as the consequence of obesity, hormonal transformations, diabetes, utilization of steroids and friction from rubbing against clothing. Skin tag can be actually uncomfortable condition, particularly if the mark appears on a fairly noticeable part - the face or neck.

Tea tree oil used fro skin tag removal
Tea tree oil used fro skin tag removal

The finest way to resolve this skin trouble is to apply the tea tree oil as a natural skin tag treatment. Extracted from the Melaleuca alternifolia (tea trees) leaves native to Australia, colorless tea tree oil is an essential oil that has several antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Tea tree's slender needle-like leaves discharge a unique fragrance when compressed. The fruits produce in bunch and white flowers flourish in the summer. More than 300 varieties of tea trees naturally produce in Australia and Aboriginal tribes are well-known for tea tree's remedial traits since thousands of years ago. There are more than 100 elements in this oil.

The Method of Using the Tea Tree Oil

  1. At first cleanse the affected skin tag area with mild soap and dry the water without rubbing profusely.
  2. Steep a cotton ball in oil and apply this on the affected skin tag area.
  3. Rub lightly in a round motion (3 - 5 minutes) and then cleanse it off.
  4. Complete this course at least three times a day. If you bother to apply it quite a few times a day, you can cover the area with oily cotton ball by wrapping it with a medical bandage for rapid effects.

Note: To avoid allergic reactions and irritation, do not use undiluted oil. Just mix 1 teaspoon water or any carrier oil like almond, coconut, olive, sunflower, sweet almond or jojoba with three drops of tea tree oil to dilute the oil.

Tip: Avoiding these mistakes when using tea tree oil will make your experience a whole lot better.

The duration of time to remove skin tags by applying tea tree oil totally depends up on the regularity of applying oil and the size or coverage of the tag. Minimum 15 days required to notice the signs of development.

Tips and Precautions for Safe Results:

  • Don't consume toxic tea tree oil into the body. It may have rigorous results, for example rashes, blood cell abnormalities, diarrhea, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and hallucinations.
  • Always use 100% organic tea tree oil.
  • Do not try this oil on sensitive areas for instance skin close to eyes, eyelids, anus, genital areas etc.
  • Perform a skin patch trial toverify whether you are allergic or not.
  • Keep it away from daylight, high temperature and air. Ensure to put it in a sealed container and store in a dark and moderate place. The best time period to use tea tree oil is about 6 months from the day it is opened. And if unopened then best to keep it up to 2 years.

Now-a-days Tea tree oil can be found in soaps, shampoos, lotions, and other special care products. Don't be surprised that there's a tea tree oil skin tag remedy considering the usefulness of tea tree oil.

Also, don't forget to check out this other remedy.

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