How to Make Thuja Occidentalis Skin Tags Removal Work

Thuja Occidentalis for Skin Tags
Thuja Occidentalis for Skin Tags

There's a lot of different opinions about thuja occidentalis skin tags removal. Some say it works and an almost equal number of people say it doesn't work. Search for skin tag treatments at home and there's no shortage of products out there using thuja as the active ingredients. The problem with so many negative view might actually be some of these products.

I've used thuja before and it works. Although truth be told, it did take a bit of time as well as consistent application. I also did not buy any of advertised miracle blends seen on tv ads. I used thuja, but I used something different from the products that you might have seen advertised. If you're trying thuja and want to make it work for you then read on. I'll tell you what I really used to get results and I'll go into detail about some things you need to do to get the results you want.

Avoid the skin tag products

If you really want to get rid of skin tags using thuja occidentalis, then you're going to have to ignore all those miracle potions you've seen floating around. If you've seen one of those tv special offers, ignore them. In fact, you can ignore most skin tag removal products that list thuja as its active ingredient.

Don't misunderstand though. The biggest problem with these products is not that they use thuja as their main ingredient. The real problem is a lot of them dilute their thuja. Many of the dilute their formula with cheaper oils.

Who knows exactly why they really dilute their formula, but I can take some guesses. Pure thuja essential oils will leave a lot less money for their pockets, so they dilute it for a larger return. They could also legitimately dilute it for safety reasons.

What safety reasons you might ask? Pure thuja essential oils will burn any skin tissue it comes in contact with. Most people who use thuja essential oils are not aware of the potential hazards involved with using pure essential oils, so they put themselves at risk of doing more harm than good. They end up getting bad chemical burns around the skin tag being treated because of the lack of awareness.

That's probably the only legitimate reason I can think of for them to dilute their formulas. However that doesn't explain why some of them are so diluted that the thuja oil that's supposed to do the heavy lifting becomes utterly useless. Some of them have been known to dilute their thuja over 5x.

So then which skin tag medicine should you get? Like I said earlier, you should probably avoid most of them. Unless you can get honest answers about the dilution ratio, it's probably best to not waste your money on them because they could be so diluted, they don't work very well. Don't worry, I'll get to what you should use instead soon.

Give it time and be consistent

Ok, so most ready-made skin tag removal products aren't very effective. That doesn't there is some good ones out there. You'll just have to look at what you're buying carefully. But a bad product is just one of the problems with getting some more desirable results.

Another big problem that gets a lot of people very little results is the lack of patience and inconsistencies with applying the treatment. Thuja works, but it works slower than some other more well-known remedies like tree tree oil.

You'll have to give it a chance to do its work. I give it at least three weeks to see some results and signs of progress. The amount of time needed also depends on the size of the skin tag. Some are also just more stubborn than others. These will require even more time.

Many people don't give thuja enough time to work, but almost all of them are guilty of not being consistent with their applications. A few will skip a day and then get right back on track. Some of them will skip application for a few days and others will even skip it for over a week or more.

When you skip treatments, you're not going to get results. Missing a day won't set you back too far, but missing a few days will. In fact, missing a few days in a row will set you right back at square one. You basically start over again when you skip a few days. So if a few days is bad enough already, what do you think happens when someone misses a week and then continues to do that again and again? Months pass and they get upset about how it's not working.

Buy pure thuja occidental essential oils

Alright then, let's get to what you should consider buying instead if these skin tag products aren't the most ideal options. You'll want thuja occidentals, but according to, you want to make sure what you're buying is pure, therpuetic grade, thuja essential oils. That means this stuff is 100% and is not dilute with any other oil.

This is the stuff I have used. Yes, I did at one-point buy into all the different products out there too, but then I learned. I learned exactly what I told you about earlier. I learned from trial & error, as well as through research that what I really needed to use was pure thuja occidentals.

Where can you buy pure thuja essential oils? I don't test my luck with local drugstores and especially grocery/superstores anymore. I did a long time ago and I learned they weren't the best places to get them. The best place I've found as actually been online. I get exactly what I want and it arrives at my front door. I no longer have to drive around hoping to find what I need. If you know of a trustworthy place locally, then buy it online.

Before you get all excited and rush in, remember what I said about the risks earlier. Pure thuja essential oils-when exposed directly to skin tissue-will burn it. It will burn the skin tag and it will burn healthy skin tissue surround it.

You should dilute it with jojoba oil. Of course, you shouldn't dilute it 5x or more. I would start with a one to one ratio (one part jojoba oil and one part thuja oil). Then do a small patch test to see how your skin reacts to it. Dilute it some more if it's still too strong for your skin.

Increase exposure if need

If after taking all of the advice above and it still isn't working for you, there is still one more thing you can do. This is the last option because it greatly increases the risks I've been warning you about (burns to healthy skin tissues).

This last effort involves exposing the skin tag to thuja oils for a prolonged period of time. Typical application of thuja oil involves just rubbing the oil on the skin tag. This method involves soaking a piece of cotton ball with thuja oil, and taping it in place overnight.

You'll want to make sure the piece of cotton ball is just big enough to cover the skin tag. To keep it in place, you'll want to use duct tape. I know, it isn't exactly pretty to look at, but it does the trick.

Using this last effort means you won't be able to protect the surrounding skin entirely. So be prepared for this. Otherwise, you can always try a different remedy like tea tree oil.

If you've carefully followed the advice given here, you should have much better success with thuja occidentalis skin tags removal. If by chance you still don't see any results even after careful consideration of the advice here then it might just not be the solution for you. Sometimes, you just have to keep searching for a solution that works for you. The funny thing with these treatments is it works for some, but doesn't work for others. Don't lose hope because there are other remedies you can try.

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